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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 7, Issue 3, pp. 239-391

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Data Movement in Odd-Even Merging

Robert Sedgewick

pp. 239-272

Isomorphism Testing for Graphs, Semigroups, and Finite Automata are Polynomially Equivalent Problems

Kellogg S. Booth

pp. 273-279

Finding All Spanning Trees of Directed and Undirected Graphs

Harold N. Gabow and Eugene W. Myers

pp. 280-287

Efficient Calculation of Expected Miss Ratios in the Independent Reference Model

Ronald Fagin and Thomas G. Price

pp. 288-297

Implementation and Analysis of Binomial Queue Algorithms

Mark R. Brown

pp. 298-319

Deadlock Prediction: Easy and Difficult Cases

E. Mark Gold

pp. 320-336

Approximate Reduction and Lambda Calculus Models

Christopher P. Wadsworth

pp. 337-356

Correcting Counter-Automaton-Recognizable Languages

Robert A. Wagner and Joel I. Seiferas

pp. 357-375

Generalized Syntax Directed Translation, Tree Transducers, and Linear Space

Brenda S. Baker

pp. 376-391